One hour until a demon-infested train leaves Tokyo Station, can you make it?

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You have one hour to save Tokyo. Will it be enough?

Welcome to the busy heart of Tokyo: Tokyo Station. Here, adventure and mayhem come together in one action-packed and time-driven game. Tokyo Station: Train Heist is not just any old live-action game; it's an all-hands-on-deck scramble to assemble your team and board the train to go find a cure for a dying girl. The catch? This train is infested with monsters and you’ve go to assemble your crew to fight them off and claim your rightful spot safely on board the train before it leaves!

Starting from up high with an incredible view of the station, players embark on a journey through the outer- and inner-ticket sections of the station itself, tackling challenges, finding tasty food, and capturing moments that lead you to gather your monster-hunting crew. With the beating heart of Tokyo’s most famous train station at your back, this game will take you on a journey of highs and lows, where your actions will directly determine the outcome of the mission. Come game with us!

Want to know what you’re getting into? Check out Tokyo Station :Train Heist! as featured on ChefPK’s channel.*

It’s really hard to describe how beautiful the view is from all the way up here, at the start of the game.

While in the station, you’ll see all kinds of amazing merch opportunities and fun souvenirs to buy for your friends!

Don’t forget about the food. This game asks you to find restaurants serving the favorite foods of your team, and you’ll get the chance to stop and eat to add them to the crew.

There Joe is again, always looking for the perfect photo opportunity. Tokyo station has so many!


Have you heard of eki-bento? These are train meals, specifically designed for travel. Get ready to find the best looking box as part of the game.

*As seen on the ChefPK YouTube channel, the game we offer is a made-for-tourist version of the game seen on YouTube. Please note, to avoid copyright infringement, several elements such as names, abilities, and images are very different from what you saw on YouTube. This game is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of any characters or elements of the game to real-life people is coincidental. We do not own the rights to any works of fiction that may be referenced in the game.

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