The Tale of Tokyo’s Most Devoted Dog: Hachiko
Discover the heartwarming tale of Hachiko, Tokyo's most famous Akita, whose unwavering loyalty to his owner became a symbol of devotion worldwide. Standing proudly outside Shibuya Station, Hachiko's bronze statue immortalizes his touching story, drawing visitors from across the globe to pay homage to his enduring spirit. Explore Shibuya's vibrant district and delve into Tokyo's cultural treasures, starting with a visit to Hachiko's statue—a testament to the power of love and loyalty.
Why Fall is the Best Time to Visit Shibuya and Harajuku, Japan
Japan's stunning autumn season transforms the country into a vibrant display of autumn colors, perfect for picture-perfect anime adventures. Shibuya and Harajuku offer a mix of traditional and modern activities, making them must-visit locations in the fall. Discover why a trip to Japan in autumn and exploring Shibuya and Harajuku makes for an unforgettable experience, blending cultural richness with anime-inspired fun.
Mindfulness in Japanese Culture and Anime: Shibuya and Harajuku Edition
✨Very demure, very mindful, very cutesy✨ Sounds like a laidback slice-of-life anime, doesn’t it? That’s because mindfulness is a Japanese skill copied by the world. But can you live out your mindful life while exploring the busy streets of Shibuya and Harajuku?”
Ultimate Otaku Guide to Japanese Summer Festivals
August in Japan is a time of vibrant festivals, known as matsuri, that celebrate the country’s rich cultural heritage with colorful parades, traditional dances, and festive atmospheres. Discover the vibrant world of Japanese summer festivals through the eyes of an otaku with this ultimate guide!
What To Pack: Essentials for a Live-Action Game in Yokohama
Embark on an exciting adventure through Yokohama with our essential packing list for our live action games. From comfortable footwear to weather-appropriate clothing and must-have accessories, we've got you covered on what to bring to bring for a thrilling Live Action Game and Walking Tour in Yokohama with this detailed guide for every season.
Making the Most of One Day in Japan: Ikebukuro Edition
Only in Japan for a short time? Experience the best of Ikebukuro with this one-day itinerary that includes shopping, dining, and cultural experiences.
Is It Worth Going To Japan For A Week? Yes, and Here’s Three Reasons Why…
Got just a week to explore? Whether you're enjoying authentic sushi or diving into Ikebukuro's anime scene, Japan's got you covered for fun, no matter what your budget looks like.
March in Tokyo: 5 Anime-filled Adventures
March in Tokyo? It's not just about cherry blossoms – it's also AnimeJapan expo time! But there’s more: from epic arcades to themed cafes and cherry blossom picnics, there's something for every anime fan’s itinerary, no matter your vibe or budget.
5 Free Things To Do In Akihabara (2024)
Akihabara is an incredible town within Tokyo, home to many otaku sub-cultures and the technology boom of the 80s and 90s. There is a ton to do here, so read on to learn more about how to make the most of your time in this area.
Top 10 Unusual Things to Do in Tokyo (2024)
We’ve all heard about the usual things to do in Tokyo: teamLab, Shibuya crossing, Tsukiji Fish Market. But what if you want to do something totally unique? Check out our top ten recommendations for the best unusual things to do in Tokyo!
Top 5 Budget Travel Tips for Japan (Updated 2024)
If your budget is stopping you from coming to visit Japan, know that there are many ways you can be cost-effective when visiting this amazing country. Read on for our top five budget travel tips for Japan!
Top 5 Anime Activities to Do in Tokyo (Updated 2024)
Anime is one of Japan’s biggest cultural exports to international audiences, and there are tons of fun activities and places to visit in Tokyo where you can learn more about some of your favorite anime. Click through to read more about the activities you have to do on your trip to Tokyo.
5 Hidden Perks of Self-Guided Walking Tours
Walking tours have long been a staple of travel, but aren’t they a little out-dated? We don’t think so, and neither should you. Read on to see the hidden perks of the humble walking tours!
Tokyo’s Top 10 Must-Do Activities (Updated 2024)
If you are visiting Tokyo, you cannot miss these essential experiences. Read up now to make sure you don’t miss out.
Top 5 Free Things to Do in Ikebukuro (Updated 2024)
Looking for the best free things to do in Ikebukuro? Check out these must-do activities that won’t break the bank!